Migrating the Easytrieve Plus to a new z/OS environment.
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Migrating the Easytrieve Plus to a new z/OS environment.


Article ID: 207591


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Easytrieve Report Generator


The z/OS environment will be changed to different z/OS environment. So, CPU will be different from the current CPU and also all disks will be different from the disks in the current z/OS environment. 

How should the Easytrieve Plus system be migrated to the new z/OS environment. Does the Easytrieve Plus have to be newly install in the new z/OS environment? Can the Esytrieve Plus system be migrated to the new z/OS environment by only copying the Easytrieve Plus libraries or the disks of the Easytrieve Plus libraries?



Easytrieve Plus Report Generator, release 6.4


The Easytrieve Plus Report Generator system can be migrated to the new z/OS environment by installing newly on the new z/OS environment. Or, by copying all system libraries of your Easytrieve Plus Report Generator to the new z/OS environment, you can migrate it.

In case of the migration by copying all libraries, the library names and the library volume names should be the same as the names in the old environment. If the library names or volume names are different from the names in the old environment,  libraries and volumes info of the Easytrieve Plus in the SMP/E library by SMP/E REP command should be updated.