Dataquery DQS805E Table not found error
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Dataquery DQS805E Table not found error


Article ID: 207574


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/DB


We have a Datacom DB table that does not show up in the list of tables for Dataquery. The table is cataloged in the CXX, but not available to Dataquery.

What can we do to resolve this?



Component : Datacom/DB



At some point, the table or database was catalogued to the CXX, but was not Enabled.



The most common reason that a table is not showing up in Dataquery is that it was not Enabled in the Datadictionary.

Generally, we recommend that when you catalog the table or database, you also enable it. In batch, this is done with transactions like this:

//SYSIN    DD  *                                         
-USR DATACOM-INSTALL,NEWUSER                             
1000 CATALOG                                             
1000 ENABLE                                              

In DDOL, when you enter the CATALOG command, you can immediately follow it with the ENABLE command in the same format.

Once the table or database has been Enabled, it should appear in the list.


Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.