Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.JobStreamRun_JobRun' with unique index 'XAK1JobStreamRun_JobRun'.
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Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.JobStreamRun_JobRun' with unique index 'XAK1JobStreamRun_JobRun'.


Article ID: 207524


Updated On:


Automic Automation Intelligence


Jammer stops processing, and the jaws.log shows the duplicate key error below:

Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.JobStreamRun_JobRun' with unique index 'XAK1JobStreamRun_JobRun'. Th
e duplicate key value is (AXYa-199NM0=, AXYa9Z5iBT8=).


Release : 6.0.2



If you can access the AAI Client:

1.  Get the jobstreamrunid from the error below, which will the first of the two UUID's in the error, for example AXbh_t9dKtk= in the error below.

ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.JobStreamRun_JobRun' with unique index 'XAK1JobStreamRun_JobRun'. The duplicate key value is (AXbh_t9dKtk=, AXbiCDJtNqE=).

3. The ID in RED above is a jobstreamrunid. You can use that ID in the query below to find the jobstream name.

select description from jobstream where jobstreamid in (select jobstreamid from jobstreamrun where jobstreamrunid='AXbh_t9dKtk=')

4. Once you have the jobstream name, you can delete that jobstream from the Admin->Jobstreams tab of the AAI client.


5. This should allow the jammer to get past that error on the next jammer cycle.

6. You can then create the jobstream again from the same target job.

If you cannot access the AAI Client:

1. Shutdown the AAI service

/<install dir>/ stopsync


2. Run through the select queries in the link below:


3. If any of the select queries return anything other than zero, run the appropriate query listed as the resolution to address that issue.


4. Once all select statements return zero, open the configuration tool.

To launch the config tool, run /<Install Dir>/config/ which will require x11 forwarding on Linux.


5. Go to the "Other" tab and take each scheduler "Offline".


6. Then bring up the service. /<Install Dir>/ startbg


7. Once the service fully initializes and you can get back into the GUI, bring 1 scheduler online at a time.

Verify that the jammer cycle completes in the /<Install Dir>/jboss/standalone/log/jaws.log by looking for a message like below:

INFO  [JammerManager] JammerManager sequence done

Once you see this, you can bring the next scheduler Online.


8. Once all schedulers are online verify there are no further errors in the jaws.log.