Where is the information/documentation on the FMIDs for the Gen product
Release: 8.6
Here is the link to the documentation: Gen™ 8.6 > Installing > Install Gen on z/OS > Preparing for Installation
Gen consists of multiple FMIDs. The following list shows the Gen FMIDs and the products/components they represent (x varies per release):
CEG68x0 = Host Encyclopedia (HE)
CEG78x0 = z/OS Implementation Toolset (IT)
CEHB8x0 = Base (common) modules
CETA8x0 = Base modules build as unresolved (NCAL)
CEHC8x0 = Runtime CICS
CEHD8x0 = Runtime IMS
CEG88x0 = TCP/IP Direct Connect for CICS
CEG98x0 = TCP/IP Direct Connect for IMS
CEKP8x0 = CICS MQSeries
CEKZ8x0 = IMS MQSeries
Some FMIDs are grouped and must be installed together while others are standalone.
Base modules (EHB and ETA) for instance are grouped with both Host Encyclopedia (HE) and Implementation Toolset (IT) products.
The datasets where the products reside are created when the Base FMID (EHB) is installed with the exception of the Runtime DLLs Library, which is created only when a Runtime FMID (EHC or EHD) is installed.
MQSeries FMIDs are each included when the corresponding Runtime is installed.