Spectrum Report Manager Alarm Bucket Table is marked as crashed
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Spectrum Report Manager Alarm Bucket Table is marked as crashed


Article ID: 207487


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Users may see the below error in the Spectrum Tomcat log indicating there is an issue with the Spectrum Report Manager Database:
Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: PreparedStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [SELECT event_ID, time, event_seq, model_key, vardata, type, model_h, domain, event_key FROM alarmbucket15728640_1601794334359 WHERE event_seq BETWEEN ? AND ?  ORDER BY event_seq]; SQL state [HY000]; error code [1194]; Table 'alarmbucket15728640_1601794334359' is marked as crashed and should be repaired; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Table 'alarmbucket15728640_1601794334359' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
        at org.springframework.jdbc.support.AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.translate(AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.java:84)
        at org.springframework.jdbc.support.AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.translate(AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.java:81)
        at org.springframework.jdbc.support.AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.translate(AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator.java:81)
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'alarmbucket15728640_1601794334359' is marked as crashed and should be repaired


Release : Any
Component : Spectrum Reporting


MySQL Database Corruption


NOTE: In the following MySql commands, replace <PASSWD> with the root password for your DX NetOps Spectrum version.

- Log into the SRM system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

- If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

- cd to the $SPECROOT/mysql/bin directory and enter the following command to log into mysql:

./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<PASSWD> reporting -A 

- Run the following command to repair the table name from the error noted in the catalina.out or stdout.log file:

repair table alarmbucket15728640_1601794334359

- Enter "quit" at the mysql prompt to log out of mysql

- Restart tomcat