Start from portal 4.5, hashed secret is supported.
It can be enabled as per document,
But if the application is created with specified apikey and secret (via PAPI), the secret is still shown as plain text.
Release : 4.5
Component : API PORTAL
As a work around, need to create application without specifying apikey/secret, then update the application with the specified apikey/secret.
1. create application with payload as below,
POST /Applications
"ApiIds": {
"results": [
"ApiApiPlanIds": {
"results": [
"ApiUuid": "ecc3c2d6-729a-48b5-b7bf-34c7710e2111",
"ApiPlanUuid": "7611bd55-d846-4b65-87e3-4c68224bf454"
"Name": "testappbymarkPAPI",
"OrganizationName": "Sample Org",
"OrganizationUuid": "e69e34f1-1977-43f0-9bbe-c22d6dc5c4b3",
"Uuid": "9dcc89c6-6027-11eb-bc45-005056b278cb"
The application created with random key and secret, shown as below,
And go back to portal UI, the secret is hashed as expected,
2. update the application with specified apikey and secret, (the apikey is now ending with "0588")
PUT /Applications('{uuid}')
uuid: 9dcc89c6-6027-11eb-bc45-005056b278cb
"KeySecret": "aee5f76d3b43420eb24129af3a66b62a",
"ApiKey": "l7b8cdaab345bd44efa8479a2eff4bb0588",
"OauthScope": "OOB",
"OauthCallbackUrl": "",
"OauthType": "public",
"MagMasterKey": "51a4c71b-97c8-4fc3-b259-42b81e1b3039",
"ApiIds": {
"results": [
"ApiApiPlanIds": {
"results": [
"ApiUuid": "ecc3c2d6-729a-48b5-b7bf-34c7710e2111",
"ApiPlanUuid": "7611bd55-d846-4b65-87e3-4c68224bf454"
"Name": "testappbymarkPAPI",
"OrganizationName": "Sample Org",
"OrganizationUuid": "e69e34f1-1977-43f0-9bbe-c22d6dc5c4b3",
"Status": "ENABLED",
"Uuid": "9dcc89c6-6027-11eb-bc45-005056b278cb"
Now, the application is updated with specified apikey/secret and the secret is still hashed.