How to create a custom UNIX/Linux Target Type in CCS
How to create a custom UNIX/Linux Target Type in CCS
Article ID: 207398
Updated On: 11-03-2023
Control Compliance Suite Standards ServerControl Compliance Suite
Control Compliance Suite (CCS)
How to create a custom Target Type in CCS for Unix or Linux servers.
Release: CCS 12.6.X
Component: CCS Application Server
Please see the steps below to create a custom Unix/Linux Target Type in CCS.
Register an agent or Import the asset of the target type you would like to create:
For agent-based data collection: Register an agent of the OS type you would like to create the Target type for to CCS. After the agent has been registered, run the 'Fetch Registered Agents' job to allow the agent to be visible in the CCS Console,
For agentless data collection: Add that asset into CCS, and then create an 'Import Asset' job with the 'Asset Type' as Unix Machine, the 'Source' as Network, and the 'Scope' as that new asset you just added so that CCS can scan that server to get the necessary information for that new asset.
Find that newly imported asset in the 'Assets' and make note of the following Fields:
'Operating Distribution Field'
'Operating System'
'Operating System Version' The example below using a RHEL 7.8 Linux server:
In the CCS Console, go to Admin -> Asset Schema Manager, select 'Create new target Type'.
Enter a Name that you would like this custom Target Type to known as and click 'Next'. NOTE: Make sure you include something unique in the name so you know this is a Custom Target type (like CUSTOM, or your companies name, etc), or it can be really confusing to know which are CCS predefined target types and which are custom Target types when selecting in standards.
Select the 'Asset Platform' and 'Asset Type' for this Target Type (Linux will fall under UNIX):
From the dropdown menu, select the 3 fields individually (highlighted in Step 1) and enter in the required information exactly as shown. Add them to the Target Type individually (it is case sensitive). Select 'Next' when all 3 have been added.
Select 'Next' and 'Finish'. Make sure to test the new Target Type to make sure it works as expected.
Additional Information
If you would like a Target Type to include multiple version, you have to use the parentheses and the 'and/or' statements to include the different versions. See the example below for a custom Target Type for CentOS Linux versions 6.0 - 6.5: