robot_missed_update_count specifies how many consecutive missed updates from the robot must occur before the hub begins issuing robot is inactive alarms and it does not affect any other alarms.
Have the robots possibly been decommissioned?
Is the Robot service actually running on these machines?
Third, in any case for now, if you need to temporarily suppress the alarms, you have a few options:
1. Suppress the alarms via the nas Auto Operator. Create a profile with message filter of /.*Robot mdmidmcpapp04 is inactive.*/ or for multiple robots use:
/(.*Robot.*)(.*is inactive.*)/
and list the robots in the Robot field of the AO profile separated by a pipe symbol.
Use an Action of CLOSE.
Lastly, may choose to:
2. Exclude (delete) the alarms via nas preprocessing rule using similar filtering n the message and the sources of the alarms.
See also:
Multiple robots are in inactive mode