UIM - Primary Hub Probes are Down / Red Status
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UIM - Primary Hub Probes are Down / Red Status


Article ID: 207331


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


This technical document provides the required steps to resolve an issue potentially caused by robot.cfg or hub.cfg corruption on the Primary hub robot. 

Symptoms might be as follows: 

1. Core probes running on the Primary hub robot might be in red or yellow status (with no port or pid). 
Note: In some cases probes may appear to be in green status with or without a port and pid however, they are not functioning. 

2. The Primary hub robot watcher service continues to restart or communication lost with the Primary hub robot. 
Note: The hub.log file may show the below message looping: 

Jan 26 02:33:27:523 [6352] 0 hub: Initially read robot file: r_ip XX.XX.XX.X:48000 r_reachable_via_ip XX.XX.XX.X:48000
Jan 26 02:33:27:523 [6352] 0 hub: At the end, read robot file: r_ip XX.XX.XX.X:48000 r_reachable_via_ip XX.XX.XX.X:48000
Jan 26 02:33:27:523 [6352] 0 hub: Initially read robot file: r_ip XX.XX.XX.X:48000 r_reachable_via_ip XX.XX.XX.X:48000
Jan 26 02:33:27:523 [6352] 0 hub: At the end, read robot file: r_ip XX.XX.XX.X:48000 r_reachable_via_ip XX.XX.XX.X:48000
Jan 26 02:33:27:523 [6352] 0 hub: ----- HUB started -----

3. Only controller probe is visible in the task manager, all other probes like HUB are not running - after starting hub.exe manually you may see the following errors:

when starting hub : 5116:error:0308D076:bignum routines:BN_generate_prime_ex:bits too small:crypto\bn\bn_prime.c:66:
5116:error:0506A003:Diffie-Hellman routines:dh_builtin_genparams:BN lib:crypto\dh\dh_gen.c:121:



Component : UIM - HUB


Reviewing the configuration files it appears the robot.cfg or controller .cfg might be corrupt. If you open the robot.cfg/controller.cfg on the primary hub its quite empty and specific sections are missing.

This can happen if the nimsoft service is abruptly shut down or if there is a process locking these files (e.g. anti virus software).


Note: A snapshot of the Primary hub system or a backup of the robot.cfg, controller.cfg and hub.cfg is required for this procedure. 

1. Deactivate the Primary hub nimsoft service, create a copy of the current robot.cfg, controller.cfg  and hub.cfg (e.g. rename to robot.cfg_OLD)

2. Add the backup robot.cfg, controller.cfg  and hub.cfg files to the Primary hub system (ensure naming convention is as expected, e.g. robot.cfg)

3. Start the Primary hub nimsoft service and confirm if the issue is now resolved.

Additional Information

If the issue is still not resolved contact support providing the following information: 

Confirm the environment versions: 

- UIM version 
- Primary hub version
- Primary hub robot version
- Primary hub system O/S 

Attach the following files from the Primary hub: 

- controller.log, _controller.log, controller.cfg, robot.cfg
- hub.log, _hub.log, hub.cfg 
- confirm hub name, hub ip and also uim domain name