Locating the Completion Code in the SMF Type 30 Record Dump availability per day?
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Locating the Completion Code in the SMF Type 30 Record Dump availability per day?


Article ID: 207295


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How do you locate the completion code in the SMF Type 30 Record Dump?


Release : 19.0

Component : CA IDMS Performance Monitor


* Please note:    IDMS does not have a way to generate the information out of the box.
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Follow this example to locate the Completion Code in the SMF Type 30 Record Dump:
The first 4 bytes = Row Descriptor Word (RDW).
* Important Note:

When the record is dumped out the RDW is omitted. Hence all offset calculations require subtracting 4 bytes.
The offset to the completion section is in the field SMF30TOF, which is at x'30'. According to the documentation, SMF30TOF contains the "Offset to completion section from start of record, including the record descriptor word (RDW)." Since the RDW is omitted, the offset is actually at 2C (x'30' - 4). 

The value of the completion code is found in the field SMF30SCC, which is found by taking the offset found in SMF30TOF and subtracting 4. According to the documentation,  "X'8ccc' indicates user abend in the job step where ccc is the user abend code." You could also use this field to check for other conditions.

Helpful Links: See Addtional Information below 


In the following example, SMF30TOF is found at 2C as described above. The offset to the beginning of the completion section is 0000022C. The  SMF30SCC field would then be at x'228' (x'22C' - 4). In this example, the value is 8F9F, which indicates an abend where the abend code is F94.
Dump of SMF type 30 record  after SUP$Tt250 U3999 abend                                                                                        
000000  DE1E0030 8C3D0121 013FC3C1 F1F1D1C5   E2F20003 000000C0 00260001 000000E6   *..........SYS1JES2.....{.......W*   
000020  00FA0001 000001E0 004C0001 0000022C   00080001 00000234 00C00001 00000538   *.......\.<...............{......*
000040  00000000 000002F4 00F40001 000003E8   00D80001 000004C0 00180001 00000538   *.......4.4.....Y.Q.....{........*
000060  001E0060 00000000 00000000 00000500   00280000 000004D8 00280000 00001078   *...-...................Q........*
000080  00600001 00000000 00000000 004C0000   00000000 00000000 00500000 00000000   *.-...........<...........&......*
0000A0  00000000 00140000 00000000 000004D8   00600001 00000538 00400000 00030000   *...............Q.-....... ......*
0000C0  F0F5E2D4 C6404040 4040E2D7 F74BF24B   F440C3C1 F1F14040 4040D7D3 C5E7C3F1   *05SMF     SP7.2.4 SYS1    PLEXC1*
0000E0  4040E2E4 D75BE3F2 F5F0D9C8 C4C3D6D4   E5E2D9C8 C4C3D6D4 E5E24040 40404040   *  SUP$T250RHDCOMVSRHDCOMVS      *
000100  4040D1D6 C2F1F8F7 F7F10001 C4000000   00000030 84210030 843A0030 84200121   *  JOB18771..D...................*
000120  013F0030 828A0121 013F0030 828D0121   013F4040 40404040 40404040 40404040   *..................              *
000140  40404040 4040C1E6 D6D9D2E2 C740D7D6   D4C4C1F0 F140C9D5 E3D9C4D9 40404040   *      AWORKSG xUSERIDxINTRDR    *
000160  40404040 40404040 40404040 4040C440   40404040 4040D91D 8B2C5F94 9FA1D91D   *              D       R...¬.¤.R.*
000180  8B402E46 B7950000 00000000 00000000   00000000 00000000 0000007A D1F0F0F1   *. .........................:J001*
0001A0  F8F7F7F1 E4E2C9D3 C3C1F1F1 C4F9C4F7   F2C5C5C4 4B4B4B4B 4B4B4B7A 40404040   *8771SYSTEMIDD9D72EED.......:    *
0001C0  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040   40404040 40404040 40404040 00000000   *                            ....*
0001E0  000019EE 00000000 00000000 00000000   2B610000 00000000 00000000 000088CF   *................./..............*
000200  0000097C 000006D2 00001183 00000000   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   *[email protected]........................*
000220  000019EE 00000000 8F9F0200 00000000   00008000 00000058 00000003 00000000   *.........¤......................*
000240  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   00000000 00308420 0121013F 00000001   *................................*
000260  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   *................................*



Additional Information

SMF Record Type 30 Record Mapping / Header/self-defining section

SMF Record Type 30 - Record Mapping - Completion Section - Triplet Information