Rally - Jira Adapter - Which Adapter API table contains the Rally ID and its corresponding Jira ID match/record
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Rally - Jira Adapter - Which Adapter API table contains the Rally ID and its corresponding Jira ID match/record


Article ID: 207287


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


Is it possible to query the Adapter API to get a mapping of the Rally Features -> Jira Epics (e.g. feature id 1 = epic id 5, feature 378 = epic 9432, ...).

So far, we found that
- ac_object contains Rally objects including their (Rally) ID
- jira_object contains Jira objects including their (Jira) ID
- catalyst stores a log of all changes submitted along with the json (and ac_action and jira_action contain each of the rest post requests along with the json)

However, we cannot find any table that would contain a Rally ID AND a Jira ID of the same Feature/Epic. This is weird, because also the adapter needs to know somehow, which feature it needs to sync to which epic.


Release : 1.0



mysql> select * from vw_xref;
| xref_id     | object_type             | system_ident | object_id                            | object_key   | api_def_ident | last_updated        |
| jira2-10103 | Story                   |            2 |<OBJECT_ID>                           |<OBJECT_KEY>  |             2 | 2021-01-19 19:36:12 |
| jira2-10103 | HierarchicalRequirement |            2 |<OBJECT_ID>                           |<OBJECT_KEY>  |             1 | 2021-01-19 19:36:12 |

Or if you join ac_object and jira_object on xref_id, you may get related items:

mysql> select jira_object.xref_id, jira_object.object_key, ac_object.object_uuid from jira_object INNER JOIN ac_object ON ac_object.xref_id=jira_object.xref_id;
| xref_id     | object_key   | object_uuid                          |
| jira2-10103 |<OBJECT_KEY>  | <OBJECT_UUID>                        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)