CA UIM 20.3 - adminconsole throwing error 500
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CA UIM 20.3 - adminconsole throwing error 500


Article ID: 207282


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


I just upgraded UIM to latest 20.3 version. Currently I am having few issues. One is that Adminconsole is not loading, and getting error 500.
Please notice, my lab environment is a small UIM installation on 2 servers - one is hosting UIM+UMP, and second - CABI + SQL (working ok on 8.51, 20.1). When I upgraded to UIM20.3 adminconsole was working fine. Since deploying OC, I have access to OC, but adminconsole is throwing error 500.
I tried Troubleshoot with deleting wasp probe, and deploying again wasp, uimhome, dminconsoleapp according article ( It resolved the issue and it was working ok, but then OC was not (looping back to login page). Redeploying OC then solved that issue, but adminconsole is again having error500.
Oct 06 08:51:46:635 ERROR [http-nio-80-exec-8, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[wasp-engine].[localhost].[/adminconsoleapp].[jsp]] invoke() Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] threw exception
Oct 06 08:51:46:635 ERROR [http-nio-80-exec-8, org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[wasp-engine].[localhost].[/adminconsoleapp].[jsp]] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.firehunter.ump.auth.NmsAuth.getLiferayUserByLoginName(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/liferay/portal/model/User;



Release : 20.3



This is a Tomcat class loader issue. For unknown reasons, Tomcat is picking the wrong class from an old jar that exists in the same environment. The jar file which we deleted wasp_api-8.4.0-K is an old jar that has the wrong namespace. The installer is supposed to delete that jar but it could not get deleted.

So Tomcat is picking a class from that jar instead of wasp-api.jar. We try to remove the unwanted jar in the next release.


1) Take the system to the state where adminconsole is not working

2) In IM(Infrastructure Manager) deactivate the wasp probe

3) Go to the product installation folder of the UIM server

4) Open \nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\webapps\adminconsoleapp\WEB-INF\lib

5) Find the jar file wasp_api-8.4.0-K

6) Take a backup of this file in another location (NOT in the same folder) 

7) Delete the file from the original location

8) Delete work folder from the location \nimsot\probes\service\wasp\

9) Activate wasp probe in IM

10) Delete browser cache and run the adminconsole app in the browser