Unable to logon using a VTAM/SNA terminal on z/VM 7.2
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Unable to logon using a VTAM/SNA terminal on z/VM 7.2


Article ID: 207262


Updated On:


VM:Secure for z/VM


When trying to log in to the system through VTAM, receive message VMXRPI104R, although it works okay through TCP/IP.    I am entering the password but all I get back is the prompt for the password again.  



Release : 3.2

Component : CA VM:Secure for z/VM

z/VM 7.2  


Not a VM:Secure problem.

Apply IBM's RSU 7204 for z/VM 7.2.


  * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
Logging on to z/VM via a VM/VTAM-connected 3270 is not possible
  if the password is entered separately (i.e., not on the logo
  panel) and there is an External Security Manager that accepts
  mixed-case passwords. The input will be ignored and the password
  prompt will be reissued.
  SNA/CCS support was ignoring requests for mixed-case invisible
  (i.e., not redisplayed) input. There was no apparent reason for
this behavior and it has been eliminated. This is similar to the
  problem with local and logical 3270 support was corrected by
  APAR VM66324.