Duplicate Exception alerts from IDB2 IQL based exception thread cancellation
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Duplicate Exception alerts from IDB2 IQL based exception thread cancellation


Article ID: 207110


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite


An IQL based exception thread  purge process was implemented for TSO USER running TSO foreground work violating IN_DB2_ELPASED of 300 seconds with monitoring interval of 15 seconds. There is also a separate similar purge exception for DDF and CICS threads as well. For some reason frequent duplicate message are displayed only for TSO user cancellation as below. 

05.14.50 STC46181 DBG72017E D321 05:14:50 THE FOLLOWING WARNING DB2 EXCEPTION 845
845 BEGAN AT 05.14.50 ON 2020-12-03 FOR SUBSYSTEM D321
845 ELPDB2TU Cancel TSO Task:In-Db2 ELP time per LUW= 318 Auth= xxxxxx

05.14.50 STC46181 DBG72017E D321 05:14:50 THE FOLLOWING WARNING DB2 EXCEPTION 855
855 CONTINUED AT 05.14.50 ON 2020-12-03 FOR SUBSYSTEM D321
855 ELPDB2TU Cancel TSO Task:In-Db2 ELP time per LUW= 318 Auth= xxxxxx

How to prevent duplicate alert messages?


Release : 20.0

Component : SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


These messages are not duplicate but two exceptions: The first one warning(Yellow) 845 exceptions (Began) and the second one critical(Red) 855 exceptions (Continue). The exception was triggered twice and both show threshold of 318.