Clarity TLS versions supported
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Clarity TLS versions supported


Article ID: 206925


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Which version of The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version does Clarity Support? 


Release : Clarity all supported version 



Informational document 


Below are the steps to find out what version of TLS Clarity Support

  1. Navigate to Clarity Installation Directory (clarity_home\.setup\scripts\j2ee\tomcat) 
  2. Under the above mentioned directory there is a file called deploy.xml 
  3. In the deploy.xml search for TLS and you will find below under element app.enable.ssl.port

<attribute name="sslEnabledProtocols" value="TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1" overwrite="false"/>


Note: The above example making TLS changes via clarity only if clarity is deployed as FIPS as documented 

Additional Information

For SaaS customers: The product remains the same for SaaS too and if you want to test the SSL version you can test your using any third party SSL Testing site

Clarity SaaS Service Description

How to remove TLS 1.1 from Clarity and only leave TLS 1.2