SYSVIEW: CICS trace creation problem
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SYSVIEW: CICS trace creation problem


Article ID: 206917


Updated On: 11-01-2024


SYSVIEW Performance Management


When creating traces and the transaction ends at 00 (NO00 or GW00), data is extracted from transactions other than those. What could be causing this? 

Here are the traces: 


SYSVIEW 16.0, 17.0


The TRAN specification on CEITRACE is used to match the transaction's TRAN or OTRAN.

TRAN is the current transaction ID
OTRAN is the originating transaction's ID 

The reason for this behavior is a transaction, let's call it TR01, may kick off other transactions (TR02, TR03, and etc) in other regions or systems.
A user may not know how many transactions may have originated from TR01 or may not even know the names of those transactions ahead of time that's why SYSVIEW matches on the transaction ID (TRAN) as well as the originating transaction ID (OTRAN). In this case, transactions NODZ, NOR2, NO89 and others were originated as a result of transaction NO00. That's why they are traced. This behavior is not a new feature. It has been around for a while but it does not seem to be explicitly documented.