Red Banner error when trying to access Enforce UI resources
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Red Banner error when trying to access Enforce UI resources


Article ID: 206916


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention


After upgrading DLP 15.5 MP2 you see a RedBanner with the following message...

Error : "An unexpected error has occurred. This could be due to one of the following: 1) Your session timed out and you selected a link that was no longer valid, 2) You used the browser back or forward button placing the system into an inconsistent state, or 3) The system experienced a temporary problem"

This error is generally seen when visiting the "Manage > Data Profiles > Exact Data" page in the Enforce Console.

You can confirm this by checking for the following error message in the "localhost.log" file.
"ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier"

Full Error Message:
* SQLException during execution of sql-statement:
* sql statement was 'SELECT A0.viewRowNum,A0.indexedInfoSourceID,A0.infoSourceID,A0.type,A0.informationMonitorID,A0.status,A0.startDate,A0.updatedDate,A0.endDate,A0.version,A0.numOfDocuments FROM LastIndexedStatusByMonitor A0'
* Exception message is [ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier
* Vendor error code [904]
* SQL state code [42000]
* The root stack trace is --> 
* java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier

In the Manager_Jdbc.log 

File: Enforce/logs/debug/manager_jdbc_0.log
Date: 1/19/2021 8:06:23 PM
Level: FINE
Thread: 123
Session: 1
EventType: Failed
Id: 863
Message:  Query failed with error: ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier


Release : 15.5 MP2

Component : EnforceMigrationUtility


When applying the MP2 update, there are some sql updates to theses views. The MP2 package will connect to the database using the following files: OracleHost, OraclePort, OracleUsers






Solution 1: update the files in the following folders and regkeys: oracleHost, oraclePort, oracleUserName, oracleServiceName


Re-run 15.5 mp2 msp.


cd /etc/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/15.5/Installation
update the oracleHost, oraclePort, oracleUserName, oralceServerName files
cd /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/15.5/Protect/install/ ;; ./EnforceServerUpdateConfigurationUtility

Solution 2:

go to:C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\15.5\Protect\install\sql

You should see a CreateViews.sql file dated 09/10/2019 (the MP2 official build date) that has all the views including the LASTINDEXEDSTATUSBYMONITOR one.
If that is the right file, you should see the NUMOFDOCUMENTS (last) column.
need to 'replay' this CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW LASTINDEXEDSTATUSBYMONITOR block in SQL*Plus to fix the missing columns


login to sqlplus and run the createviews.sql


Browse to C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\15.5\Protect\install\sql with windows explorer

open a Administartor command prompt
sqlplus protect@protect
exit sqlplus
restart SymantecDLPManagerService
Verify redbanner is resolved.
cd /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/DetectionServer/15.5/Protect/install
sqlplus protect@protect
exit sqlplus
service SymantecDLPManagerService restart
verify the redbanner issue is resolved.