After upgrading DLP 15.5 MP2 you see a RedBanner with the following message...
Error : "An unexpected error has occurred. This could be due to one of the following: 1) Your session timed out and you selected a link that was no longer valid, 2) You used the browser back or forward button placing the system into an inconsistent state, or 3) The system experienced a temporary problem"
This error is generally seen when visiting the "Manage > Data Profiles > Exact Data" page in the Enforce Console.
You can confirm this by checking for the following error message in the "localhost.log" file.
"ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier"
Full Error Message:
* SQLException during execution of sql-statement:
* sql statement was 'SELECT A0.viewRowNum,A0.indexedInfoSourceID,A0.infoSourceID,A0.type,A0.informationMonitorID,A0.status,A0.startDate,A0.updatedDate,A0.endDate,A0.version,A0.numOfDocuments FROM LastIndexedStatusByMonitor A0'
* Exception message is [ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier
* Vendor error code [904]
* SQL state code [42000]
* The root stack trace is -->
* java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier
In the Manager_Jdbc.log
File: Enforce/logs/debug/manager_jdbc_0.log
Date: 1/19/2021 8:06:23 PM
Level: FINE
Thread: 123
Session: 1
EventType: Failed
Id: 863
Message: Query failed with error: ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier
Release : 15.5 MP2
Component : EnforceMigrationUtility
When applying the MP2 update, there are some sql updates to theses views. The MP2 package will connect to the database using the following files: OracleHost, OraclePort, OracleUsers
Solution 1: update the files in the following folders and regkeys: oracleHost, oraclePort, oracleUserName, oracleServiceName
Re-run 15.5 mp2 msp.
login to sqlplus and run the createviews.sql
Browse to C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\15.5\Protect\install\sql with windows explorer