NOTE: The Zero Day Patching tool is an "AS IS" Workflow project found in the Broadcom forum at: Workflow Template - Zero Day Patch
The Zero Day Patch tool stopped working and when the Workflow debug was run on the project the following error was returned:
Error Message: Readed Fields Count (13) is different from Expected Fields Count (12)
Stack Trace: at spPMCoreReport_SoftwareBulletinSummary.SqlQuery.spPMCoreReport_SoftwareBulletinSummary.Run(IData data) at LogicBase.Core.ExecutionEngine.SinglePathProcessComponentExecutionDelegate.Execute(IData data, IOrchestrationComponent comp, String& outputPath, IExecutionEngine engine, TLExecutionContext context) at LogicBase.Core.ExecutionEngine.AbstractExecutionEngine.RunComponent(TLExecutionContext context, IData data, IOrchestrationComponent comp)
Report Process ID: Patch-0Day-001882
Model ID: 7cf7eb9c-9437-11e2-a847-000c294e9052
Last Component: sp PMCore Report_ Software Bulletin Summary
Patch Management 8.5
The message, "Readed Fields Count (13) is different from Expected Fields Count (12)" means that 12 fields of data were request and 13 fields were returned.
So basically, the problem is that the Zero Day Patch project is calling a Patch Management stored procedure that has been updated since Zero Day Patch was made available and since the project has not been updated there is a conflict.
The component that is failing comes from the custom patch management library that was built for this project back in 2013. You can create a new integration project in Workflow and choose the generate Stored Procedure Caller and point it to your CMDB database and the stored procedure spPMCoreReport_SoftwareBulletinSummary, and then create a new component that now accepts the 13 fields instead of the original 12. You'd then need to edit the Zero Day Patch project to use this new library and component.
We do not know what other components may need to be recreated.
NOTE: If more assistance is needed go to the project found in the Broadcom forum at Workflow Template - Zero Day Patch to see if others have run into this issue and how it was resolved.