pids.max value for Layer7 gateway running on Openshift
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pids.max value for Layer7 gateway running on Openshift


Article ID: 206879


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CA API Gateway


We are running Layer7 API Gateway v9.4 on Openshift v4.6. Currently,  the pids.max value on openshift is set to 1024 (This value is not ulimit value):

Sometimes the gateway is crashing on the max amount of thread which is limited to 1024. 

is it  normal for the gateway process to run so many threads ?


API Gateway 9.4, 10.X


It is normal for the gateway process to run so many threads. Each HTTP listener uses at least one thread which also uses 1 pid from the max 1024. 

If you have set the io.httpCoreConcurrency to 750, the gateway start with 750 threads for the connections. This value can be increased to the value of the io.httpmaxConcurrency  On top of that, you will have other threads that are needed.

If you do not want to increase the pids.max in openshift, as this is a global setting, you may consider lowering these values to limit the amount of threads needed by the gateway. 

You can spin up another GW instance to get the same concurrency if needed.