TDM Portal Page displays "Privacy Error' in Chrome browser.
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TDM Portal Page displays "Privacy Error' in Chrome browser.


Article ID: 206854


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


When launching TDM Portal I am seeing a Privacy Error displayed in my Chrome Browser. Why is this happening, and what can I do to prevent it?


All TDM releases


This error is a warning informing you the site that you are about to connect to contains an SSL Certificate that is not signed by a Trusted Certificate Authority. The reason for this is by default TDM is configured to use SSL communication, and ships a ‘Self-Signed’ certificate, that has not been signed by a third-party Certificate Authority. Therefore, the default certificate is not found in the Browser’s Trusted Certificate Store.


To keep this error from being displayed, there are two options.

  1. The first is to address this at the Server level by generating your own Self-Signed Certificate, and having that certificate signed by a trusted third party Certificate Authority. This could be an additional cost to your company, unless your security team has the means of signing certificates themselves. Once you have the signed certificate, import the certificate chain (signed certificate, intermediary certificate, and root certificate) into the keystore for the server hosting your TDM Portal. For more information see:

  2. The next option is to address this at the workstation/browser level. To correct this for the Chrome browser, which is throwing the error/warning, you must download the default certificate used by TDM Portal, and import the certificate into the browser’s Trusted Certificate Store.
      1. Click on the ‘! Not secure’ button in the Chrome browser’s address bar.

      2. Click on the ‘Certificate (Invalid)’ link to display the site’s certificate.

      3. The Certificate dialog window will open.

      4. Select the ‘Details' tab to see the Certificate details.

      5. Click the ‘Copy to File…’ button to save the certificate to a file. This will open the ‘Certificate Export Wizard’ dialog window. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

      6. Select the ‘Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)’ format, and click ‘Next’.

      7. Provide a file name, and browse to the path where you would like the file to be exported. As a best practice, do not use a space in the file name. Click 'Save' to continue.

      8. The file path including the name will be displayed. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

      9. Click ‘Finish’ to exit out of the 'Certificate Export Wizard'.

      10. The 'Certificate Export Wizard' should display a message stating the export was successful. Click ‘OK’ to continue.

      11. You will be brought back to the 'Certificate' dialog window. Click ‘OK’ to close out of this view.

      12. To import the certificate into the Browser’s Trusted Certificate Store, open the Browser’s Settings dialog.

      13. Scroll down to the ‘Privacy and security’ section. Select the ‘Security’ options.

      14. Scroll down near the bottom of the page and select the ‘Manage certificates’ option.

      15. The 'Certificates' dialog window will open. Select the ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ tab, and click the ‘Import…’ button.

      16. The ‘Certificate Import Wizard’ dialog opens. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

      17. Use the ‘Browse’ button to browse to the location where you exported the TDM Portal certificate. Select the file and click ‘Open’.

      18. The file path and name will be displayed in the ‘File name’ field. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

      19. The ‘Certificate Import Wizard’ should display the 'Certificate store' as ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’. If yours displays another location, click the ‘Browse…’ button and browse to the ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ Certificate Store. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

      20. Click ‘Finish’ to complete the import of the certificate.

      21. A security warning message will pop up informing you that you are about to install a certificate that could be a risk, since it cannot be validated. Click ‘Yes’ if you want to install the certificate.

      22. You should see 'the import was successful message'. Click 'OK' to close the message.

      23. You should now see a certificate with the hostname of your TDM Portal Server in the ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ certificate store.

      24. Click ‘Close’ to close the 'Certificates' dialog window.

      25. Close the Chrome Browser and relaunch the TDM Portal page.

      26. You should now be directed to the TDM Portal login without seeing the Privacy Error.

NOTE: If you are still seeing the Privacy Error warning after verifying the certificate has been imported in the Trusted Certificate Store, try clearing your browser cache, and relaunch the TDM Portal page.