ASM - Not possible to create a subfolder in a folder
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ASM - Not possible to create a subfolder in a folder


Article ID: 206792


Updated On:


CA App Synthetic Monitor


When trying to create a sub-folder in the ASM UI by clicking on "Add Folder" button, the folder is created as a root folder and cannot be moved inside any other folder. However if you put a monitor inside the new folder and try to move it to another folder, only the monitor is moved and the folder stays in the root with no monitors. Is there any way to create a sub-folder?





We donĀ“t allow nested folders so there is no option to move a folder to another folder, only the monitors can be moved. There is only ever one level of subfolders off the root of the account and that is why there is also no option to create a folder within a folder, or set a parent folder when creating a folder.