NFA 10.0.2 does not have the querybuilder app and with the removal of flash, clients are left to use the API to enable/disable interfaces
Release : 10.0
Flash went EOL December of 2020. API Query Builder app was added in NFA 10.0.3
#Get router ID from management IP (GET)
http://<hostname>:8981/odata/api/routers?$select=ID&$filter=((contains(routerAddress, '<ip address of router/device>')))
#Get available interfaces on the router based on router ID from previous query (GET)
http://<hostname>:8981/odata/api/availableInterfaces?$select=ID,enabled,name&$filter=(routerId eq <router id>)
#To enable an interface, get the interface ID from output of the query above (POST)
http://<hostname>:8981/odata/api/availableInterfaces(<interface id>)/