Users may see delay in Monitor perspective. Jobs status may take a long time to update.
Release : 12.x
In busy setups, large number of COMPLETED jobs and application in Monitor may sometimes cause delays. The DE server has to load large data sets from DB and then send the data to clients. If the active tables like ESP_WSS_JOB have large number rows, over million then delay may be observed.
Use purgecompletedjobs to clear completed applications from the monitor perspective. Check for any application that is creating large number of generations. The following SQL may be used to get the count of active applications that may require purge.
SELECT count(APPL_NAME), APPL_NAME from esp_wss_appl where STATUS = 2 GROUP BY APPL_NAME
Use purgecompletedjobs command CLI to clear the application with high counts.
purgecompletedjobs application(application_name)