sqlserver probe - COM Error: Code=0x80040e4d
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sqlserver probe - COM Error: Code=0x80040e4d


Article ID: 206743


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


When you run a connection test with DB, using Windows authentication, the test works fine:


In addition, there are many checkpoints already working


However, when you try to create a custom checkpoint, using a custom query, the following (or similar) error is displayed:

In this scenario, when testing the connection with DB, we can see in the probe logs that the windows authentication seems to be enabled, as expected:

Jan 13 17:43:14:090 [1089348] sqlserver: check_connection; from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/53120, service name: xxxxxxx, user: xxxx\xxxxx, winauth: 1, encrpytion: 0, timeout: 5 
Jan 13 17:43:14:090 [1089348] sqlserver: testClient starting with: user: xxxx\xxxxx, conn: xxxxxxx 
Jan 13 17:43:14:090 [1089348] sqlserver: Profile: test connection profile, data engine connecting to database xxxxxxxxx, using connection test connection, user: xxxx\xxxxx, winauth: 1, encr: 0, tls_enable: 0 
Jan 13 17:43:14:090 [1089348] sqlserver: (CreateConnString) Starting for profile - test connection profile

However, looking at the DB server logs when the custom query is executed, the request shows the windows authentication is disabled:

Jan 13 17:42:28:211 [1089348] sqlserver: test_query; from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/52630, server: xxxxxxx, user: xxxx\xxxxx, query: SELECT count(session_id) as procesosbloqueados FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks WHERE blocking_session_id <> 0, winauth: 0, encr: 0 
Jan 13 17:42:28:211 [1089348] sqlserver: testQuery starting with: user: xxxx\xxxxx, conn: xxxxxxxxx
Jan 13 17:42:28:211 [1089348] sqlserver: Profile: test query profile, data engine connecting to database xxxxxxxx, using connection test query, user: xxxx\xxxxx, winauth: 0, encr: 0, tls_enable: 0 
Jan 13 17:42:28:211 [1089348] sqlserver: (CreateConnString) Starting for profile - test query profile 
Jan 13 17:42:28:211 [1089348] sqlserver: ptConn->ntauth=0, [0][][xxxxxxxxxx][(null)] 
Jan 13 17:42:28:211 [1089348] sqlserver: (CreateConnString) Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Server=xxxxxxxx;Database=master;UID=xxxx\xxxxx;PWD=*****;Encrypt=no;MultipleActiveResultSets=yes; 
Jan 13 17:42:28:320 [1089348] sqlserver: Profile: test query profile/test query checkpoint/Connect - COM Error: Code=0x80040e4d Source=(null) Description=(null)  
Jan 13 17:42:28:320 [1089348] sqlserver: Query test connection to xxxxxxxxx failed


sqlserver probe 5.42


This problem was solved by applying the latest sqlserver probe version (5.45).

Additional Information

UIM - Login failed for user error for sqlserver probe (broadcom.com)