Easytrieve: Identifying if the release is 6.4 0311
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Easytrieve: Identifying if the release is 6.4 0311


Article ID: 206702


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Easytrieve Report Generator


How may one tell if the release for Easytrieve Plus Report Generator is 6.4 and the service pack is 0311?


Easytrieve Plus Report Generator, release 6.4 0311


The best way to confirm that the release is release 6.4 with 0311 (SP01) service pack is to look at the heading of the listing of any Easytrieve report which has been run.


Additional Information

The FMIDs for Easytrieve Report Generator release 6.4 0311 are:

PTF ID FMID Component
$A00311 C$A6400 Runtime
$A10311 C$A6401 Runtime Host Server
F000311 CF06400 SQL
G100311 CG16400 IMS
G200311 CG26400 IDMS Interface
G210311 CG26401 IDMS Interface (Rel 10)
I300311 CI36400 CA-Datacom/DB
I500311 CI56400 DBCS
I600311 CI66400 Compiler