WP/CPs fail to start with error "U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '08001' Native error: '258' Msg: 'TCP Provider: The wait operation timed out."
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WP/CPs fail to start with error "U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '08001' Native error: '258' Msg: 'TCP Provider: The wait operation timed out."


Article ID: 206682


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


The following error is captured in the CP/WP log when starting the process:
U00003545 UCUDB: Opening database ...
U00029112 UCUDB - Length of the DB-History area: 100
U00029108 UCUDB: SQL_ERROR    Database handles  DB-HENV: 11c6ff0  DB-HDBC: 11c70d0
U00003591 UCUDB - DB error info: OPC: 'SQLDriverConnect' Return code: 'ERROR'
U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '08001' Native error: '258' Msg: 'TCP Provider: The wait operation timed out. '
U00003592 UCUDB - Status: 'HYT00' Native error: '0' Msg: 'Login timeout expired'
U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '08001' Native error: '258' Msg: 'A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.'
 U00003590 UCUDB - DB error: 'SQLDriverConnect', 'ERROR   ', '08001', 'A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.'
U00003524 UCUDB: ===> Time critical DB call!       OPC: 'OPEN' time: '15:108.238.399'
U00003611 DB OPEN executed. Return Code = '0000003590'


MS SQL Server


Database is unreachable by the CP/WPs


1. Open the ODBC Data Source program on the box where the Automation Engine is installed and test the connection. You should not receive this error if the test is successful

2. If the test fails the issue could either be network related or the database is offline