When I accees the Operator Console in UIM 20.3.2 I see Data Access Error.
UIM 20.3.2 and Cabi are configured correctly and we have followed the different KB's to resolve this error but we are still seeing this error:
UIM 20.3.x slow Operator Console, Group Trend Report redirects to CABI login, Data Access Error.
UIM - UMP/Operator Console CABI proxy configuration
UIM Operator Console - Data Access Error
UIM - Data access error Operator Console dashboards failed to load
When loading home page I see no CABI content (Data Access Error) and noticed 404 errors in network tab (Chrome developer tools console).
When I log in to the CABIjs directly, I don't see any UIM Dashboard.
Release : 20.3
Component : UIM - CABI
This is a content issue. The data access error is given because CABi is missing dashboards.
Deploy or Redeploy on the cabi robot the following packages:
uim_core_dashboard pack and