Missing Memory Items and Data from Blue Coat SG200 Proxy in Performance Management
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Missing Memory Items and Data from Blue Coat SG200 Proxy in Performance Management


Article ID: 206593


Updated On: 10-10-2023


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


We have Blue Coat SG200 Proxy devices that we need to monitor and alert for cpu and memory utilization.

I'm not able to see Memory graphs in DX NetOps Performance Management even though it says it is supported.

The Blue Coat Proxy Server Memory Vendor Certification shows as Supported but has no Items.

Blue Coat SG200 Proxy devices have no Memory data.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


The deviceUsageName MIB OID at contains numeric values.


The Blue Coat Proxy Server Memory Vendor Certification requires the deviceUsageName OID values to create Items for Polling.

The deviceUsageName MIB OID is defined as:

deviceUsageName OBJECT-TYPE
 SYNTAX  DisplayString
 MAX-ACCESS read-only
 STATUS  current
 DESCRIPTION: "The textual name of the resource i.e. Disk."
 ::= { deviceUsageEntry 3  }

The Names and Filter Expressions from the Vendor Certification are:

  • Names: <Expression destAttr="Names">"Blue-Coat-Proxy-Server-"+deviceUsageName</Expression>
  • Filter: <Filter>(deviceUsageName.toString().toLowerCase() contains "mem")</Filter>

This means we take the value from deviceUsageName, make it lower case and verify it contains "mem".

In this case we see the device returning the following numeric values for that OID when textual ones are expected.

SnmpResponseVariable [oid=, type=OCTET_STRING, value={{67,80,85},{68,105,115,107}}, isDelta=false, isList=true, error=SUCCESS, isDynamicIndex=false, indexList=[1, 2]]

Values returned from a working device would contain something like this, where we'd see CPU and Disk items created, but no Memory items without an index containing "mem" in the deviceUsageName OID values., OctetString , RO , fixed(CPU), OctetString , RO , fixed(Disk)

Resolve the issue with the non-textual values set on the deviceUsageName OID and the items should be discovered and polled.