With urls defined for both ports, ports 389 and 636. If TLSProtocolMin is set, does it apply to connections to both ports, or will it still allow unsecured (unencrypted) connections to port 389 if the url's are defined as follows:
hosturls ldap://xxx.yyy.zzz.201:389 ldaps://xxx.yyy.zzz.201:636
Release : 15.1
Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS
The TLSProtocolMin applies to the hosturls ldap(s) specification for example:
hosturls ldap://389 ldaps//:6389
ldap is LDAP over TCP and ldaps is LDAP over SSL (TLS).
For details on TLS_PROTOCOL_MIN see CA LDAP Section: 'LDAP Client Configuration Options'.