Documentation on the functionality on some Gen supplied functions.
Release : 8.6
Component : CA Gen Run Time, Blockmode
TIRD2VW - Converts dates with value "00010101" (as read from DB2) into "00000000"
TIRVW2S - Convert IEF Timestamp format to character ISO format.
TIRS2VW - Convert character ISO timestamp to IEF Timestamp format
TIRDAT2 - Support IEF date functions. Converts number of days since December 31, 0000 to a date in YYYYMMDD format.
TIRDAT2I - Retreives a date for an IMS environment
TIRVW2D - Converts date to view format
TIRFCHR - Given an oinput number or numeric view, this routine will convert it to a character string and returns.
TIRFDTTS - Date and timestamp format function
TIRFNUMD - Date to number function
TIRFNUM - Textnum - converts text to a number
TIRFDDUR - Date duration function
TIRVW2S - Date format function
TIRFDTEC - Datetextfunction