There is a need to remove an populated Endevor System from our Production environment(s). It appears that there is a manual process to perform most of the backing up process, and then uses the archive to just backup the elements from said system. Is there a best practice for this process?
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If the requirement is to keep the element within Endevor:
If having the ability to not browse/display the elements via Endevor the alternate option is to archive the elements to an archive file and delete them from Endevor after a set period of time.
The ARCHIVE statement writes the base level and all change levels of an Element to a sequential file (known as an archive data set). In addition, for Endevor ACM users, the ARCHIVE action writes the base level and all change levels of the Component List to the archive data set. Use the ARCHIVE action to:
Archive is available in batch only. Once an Element has been archived, COPY, LIST, RESTORE, and TRANSFER actions can be executed against the archive data set.
After the elements are all deleted from the system that is no longer need within Endevor, perform the below delete actions in this order: