After a fresh install, I assigned the monitor NIC to the collector and now it won't start.
VoipAgent Log shows the following error:
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] *WARNING*: No callwatch rules defined.
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] QRTEnabled: True
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] DiscoverPhoneInfo: True
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] RTCPMonitoring: True
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] SendAllPaths: False
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] PollAllServers: True
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] SccpPacketReassembly: True
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] SccpValidateReservedField: True
14:40:39 Severity 4 - [ProcessConfigXML] Returning result: 0x00000000.
14:40:39 Severity 2 - hr_test failure 0x80004005 Unspecified error at .\vcpacketreader.cpp 412
14:40:39 Severity 3 - Crashing because Windows exception handler was invoked
Release : 4.3.3
This issue may occur when a client has many NICs configured on the same collector machine (more than a Management and Monitor NIC).
When there are multiple NICs the registry values that the collector service uses can become mismatched and cause failures
Client uninstalled all NICs from the machine, reinstall just the Management and Monitor NIC, and reinstalled the collector software.