NFA Device missing from NetOps Portal Search
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NFA Device missing from NetOps Portal Search


Article ID: 206435


Updated On: 02-15-2024


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


A device that is visible in the NFA Console is not present in NetOps Portal website. 

Searched using hostname and IP but it is not found. We can see the device when logging into NFA directly.


Release : 20.2.1 - 20.2.9

Component : NetOps Portal and NFA


The search functionality Defect DE485757 in the NetOps Portal does not allow devices to be searched properly.

Currently, the column sort only affects the active page, not the entire search results as you would expect.


This is resolved in NetOps Portal 20.2.10 and NFA 10.0.7.

If you cannot upgrade yet, the best workaround we have is to set the max per page to 1000 and attempt the search again. If that does not work, do a CTRL-F and utilize the browser search on the individual pages.