Accessing the Manager for OAPP from the Univiewer Console(UVC) produces the error message below.
IO Connection Problem - server exception - connect: error creating socket to DUAS_hostname/10600 [companyname/nodename/X]
Another symptom is that it is not possible to generate uxtrace result from Univiewer Console(UVC).
On environment [UJCENT<servername>_MgtServer/X]:
Retrieve uxtrace Data from Node <servername> :
The server cannot be reached: ServerException - connect: error creating socket to <servername>/10600
Release : 6.x
Environmental issue
Troubleshooting steps:
-From machine where the UVC is launched, execute the commands below:
ping <$U server name>
telnet <$U server name> <Port number used by the IO server>
If one of the commands failed, please check with the network team to check if the port is open and/or the server is reachable.