We wanted to schedule the cleaning up IG_WPDS database.
We have the script, but we wanted to know, how can it be scheduled?
Release : 14.2
Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)
Default out of the box does not support scheduled activities. You will have the following options.
1) Using SBT scripting and then create a Windows job task to execute it monthly.
2) Using PDI scripts and then have a Windows job to execute this monthly. However, both of them require custom scripts which is not within our support scope. You said you have your own script. In this case you will need to schedule through Linux. You will need to work with your Linux administrator to configure Linux to schedule this. I believe this can be accomplished through the cron daemon. In reviewing this further I see how to schedule with cron but unsure how to point the schedule to your specific script. You will need to work with your Linux admin and if needed please contact your Account team to possibly engage Services and one of our Services Partners to assist.