Is Pan/SQL 2.4C compatible with DB2 v12?
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Is Pan/SQL 2.4C compatible with DB2 v12?


Article ID: 206337


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


Is Pan/SQL release 2.4C compatible with DB2 v12?

Is any maintenance for Pan/SQL 2.4C specifically needed for this release of DB2?



Pan/SQL 2.4C

DB2 v12


Please see this link for the products to confirm that Pan/SQL is compatible with DB2 v12:

Looking at the Easytrieve family of products, this shows that all is fine with DB2 v12 and the certification.  This also includes the Pan/SQL product.

The list of products can be found via this link.

There is no Pan/SQL 2.4C maintenance specifically needed in order to be compatible with DB2 v12.