We ipl'd our systems at the weekend, and we saw that, for one of our systems, OPS/MVS shut itself down, way before the other applications.
Our timeline looked like this: -
05:16:27 ops issue SHUTSYS ALL
05:17:20 – OPPSMVS shuts down. Many applications are still active
05:22:17 – OPSMVS is restarted, and continues to shut the system down.
We would like to understand why ops/mvs is shutting itself down at this point.
User Error in Coding
This occurred because OPS/MVS is being managed by SSM and was not EXCLUDED from the initial shutdown when invoking the SSMSHUT exec. OPS/MVS was in SSM with a mode of NOP, but SSMSHUT issues the SQL instruction to set all resources to Desired_state = DOWN, that are NOT in an INACTIVE state.
Proper pre-reqs in SSM need to be set for OPS/MVS so that it is the last resource taken down, OR an exclude list for SSMSHUT should be created to use instead. This is documented in the SSMSHUT usage comments.