Does Dollar Universe 6.x support Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 with the Manager for Microsoft Dynamics AX?
The compatibility matrix version 6.10.41 only shows compatibility up to Microsoft Dynamics AX2012R3.
Release : 6.10
Subcomponent: Manager for Microsoft Dynamics AX
By design
The Navision Manager 1.0 is no longer supported in Dollar Universe 6.
See article
Instead, the Manager for Microsoft Dynamics AX is included in version 6.x and the latest tested version on our side is AX2012R3 as described in the Compatibility Matrix.
As a result, we cannot guarantee that the product will work flawlessly with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015.
If the binaries and libraries provided by Microsoft remain the same as AX2012R3 , it should work the same way as Dynamics 2012 does.
Accordingly, a Product Enhancement Request has been opened to study adding Compatibility with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015: PMDU-2507