IT Analytics cubes are missing - "A connection to a CMDB that includes the following solutions must be configured: Inventory Solution"
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IT Analytics cubes are missing - "A connection to a CMDB that includes the following solutions must be configured: Inventory Solution"


Article ID: 206227


Updated On:


Client Management Suite IT Analytics


What caused the message "A connection to a CMDB that includes the following solutions must be configured: Inventory Solution"?


This message means that the Cube Names listed are available to add but the pre-requisites to add them have not been met. When IT Analytics (ITA) is installed there are 23 SQL Views created that are required for cubes to be created and for ITA to function.


The solution is to work through the following:

1) Verify that the Solutions specified in the message above are installed and working

2) The following SQL query can be used to verify that the 23 required SQL Views were created properly.

--Application Metering, Computers, Installed Files, & Installed Software Cubes pre-req Returns 23
use Symantec_CMDB
select count(*) from sysobjects where (type = 'V' or type = 'U') and name in ( 'vITAnalytics_CMDB_AddRemoveProgramsDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_ApplicationMeteringFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_CollectionDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_CollectionMembershipFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_ComputerDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_ComputerFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_DateDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_InstalledFileFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_InstalledSoftwareFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_LogicalDiskDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_LogicalDiskFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_OrganizationalGroupDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_OrganizationalGroupFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_PhysicalMemoryArrayFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_PhysicalMemoryFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_ProcessorDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_ProcessorFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_SoftwareComponentDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_SoftwareComponentFileFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_SoftwareProductComponentFact','vITAnalytics_CMDB_SoftwareProductDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_UserDim','vITAnalytics_CMDB_WindowsFileDim' )

3) The follow stored procedure is what is used to create the Views during installation and can be used to create/recreate the missing views and all views

exec spITAnalytics_CSMP_CreateViews