Provisioning Directory DSA Fails to Start
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Provisioning Directory DSA Fails to Start


Article ID: 20617


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Provisioning Directory DSA Fails to Start

Following a reboot of the Provisioning Directory Server the Provisioning Directory fails to start.

Running the 'dxserver status' command shows all DSA(s) stopped and running the 'dxserver start' command fails to start the DSA(s).

This condition can occur when running the Provisioning Directory DSA(s) on a virtual machine, a stand-alone server, or clustered server(s).


Component: IDMGR


This problem can be the result of an incorrect Host Name, Port, or IPAddress.

Running the following cmd should point to the problem: dxserver -d start {dsaname}

  1. Verify that DHCP has NOT reassigned the Server a new IPAddress. If so, you will need to update the system Hosts file with the new IPAddress.
  2. Verify that the Host Name and Port are correct in the knowledge.dxc files under: C:\Program Files\CA\Directory\dxserver\config\knowledge