If the DB Team changes the sys password, will it need to be updated on the AutoSys Scheduler side?
Release : 11.3.6
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
The AE product has 2 database accounts: autosys and aedbadmin.
The account aedbadmin is used only during the install and during patching/upgrading.
The password is NOT stored or used by the product by default at any other time.
So you can freely change that password within your database as needed.
The database user autosys is used by the product and is stored in the $AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV files.
Most client either use autosys_secure to change the autosys database password and then restart.
Or they use autosys_secure to generate what will be the encrypted string for the new password,
stop the AE processes, update the database directly to change the password and then update
the config.$AUTOSERV files with the encrypted string for the new password and restart.
AE does not store "sys" database user id or password within its configuration or use it aside from the initial install.
If WCC is in play and also using an Oracle db it will/should have its own db user account.
To see the db user it is configured to use, use the wcc_config.sh or .bat command.
./wcc_config.sh -u ejmcommander -p ejmcommander --displaydb
Logging in as 'ejmcommander' - SUCCESS
Database server connection
TNS name of the database connection: ORCL
Path to the tnsnames.ora file: /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_2
Schema User: 9C8aR3ovmQbl559t5pX4SrShXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXyQVjgHCFrn8RKrpEmqAu+O139tkrRVT07vb6F6Og==
Platform: ORACLE
User: wcc
Password: *****
WCC only uses that id/password.
EEM does not use Oracle for its daily operations so changing "sys" would not impact it either.
There is an EEM reporting option (extra setup and configuration) which can be installed/configured to log EEM events to an Oracle db but it uses other user defined ids, not sys.