User List by License Type - Full permission Resource Manager (Auto) on a resource that's not meant to have it
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User List by License Type - Full permission Resource Manager (Auto) on a resource that's not meant to have it


Article ID: 206050


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


We have a user that we setup as a Read-Only user and the system is defaulting them to Full user, it is adding on the "Resource - Manager (Auto)" access right even though this person is NOT listed as a Resource Manager on any resources.  

Please advise why this resource is defaulting to a Full license.


  1. In the Administration - License Information - User Count by License Type - Click on Full
  2. Resulting portlet is User List by License Type
  3. Filter for the resource
  4. License portlet this user still shows as Full License and Resource Manager (Auto) right although the user should not have it


Release : Any


Regarding your issue with Resource Manager (Auto) right on some resources. This is actually not a defect in the application.

When creating a new user, then clearing up the Manager field and this worked to remove the right. You should only be careful and clear the actual OOTB field from the Resource list after adding it and it works great. Make sure you do not confuse it with any custom field, you have to update "Manager" or "Resource Manager".

Why there are orphans and the rights still there although the field has been reset to Administrator:

  • We suspect this was due to a database update done to erase the manager and set it to admin.
  • This being done from the backend, the scripts to remove the rights did not run.
  • We do not recommend doing this as it's an unsupported way to do it.


  1. Identify the resources that have the right stuck behind (i.e. Jane Doe still has Resource Manager (Auto) in License Information
  2. Identify the reporting resources they had i.e. John Smith
  3. Add the Manager field to Resources list
  4. Find the reporting resources by the list First name/Last name ( i.e. John Smith)
  5. Set the manager on the resource to Jane Doe, Save
  6. Now remove the manager or set to Administrator, Save
  7. This should remove the orphaned permission

Keep in mind this is not a recommended use of the application. The design is to be using the Manager field and the Resource Managers are considered to be having a Full license.