One of our Deliver databases was 97% full and the checkpoint file is 84% full.
We ran an RMODBASE UNLOAD to create a backup.
We then ran an RMODBASE ADDDS to add 100 cylinders to the database.
Is there an option to add space to a checkpoint dataset?
To resolve the issues do we shutdown the Deliver tasks and create a new-named larger database (ADDDS) and a new, empty, larger checkpoint file (MAKECKPT)?
Release : 14.0
Component : CA Deliver
Here is a link to a technical document on how to add space to the checkpoint file:
Here is a link to the CA Deliver Reference Guide, with examples of copying from one database to another:
Here is a link to the Deliver RMODBASE options:
Please note the following parameter in the RMODBASE MAKECKPT command:
Specifies whether a new, empty checkpoint is to be created, if one exists.
If you specify EMPTY, a new, empty checkpoint is created.
This operand is optional.
If omitted, data from the old, existing checkpoint (if it exists) is copied to the new checkpoint.