Procedure to reblock the CA 1 Audit file.
If you want to reblock the audit file so that you are using your DASD more efficiently, you should use TMSFORMT and format a new audit file. Do not use IEBGENER to do the reblocking as this can create a short block at the end of the new audit file.
Once you have allocated and formatted the new file, you should run TMSCOPY to backup the old file, then change the TMOOPT00 member to the new file name and run TMSINIT on all systems that use this audit file. You can also rename the existing audit file to OLD and the new audit file to the production name and run TMSINIT on all systems. When you have all systems restarted pointing to the new audit file, then run TMSCOPY again.
If the DBS subtask in the CTS started task is active, you will need to RELEASE the Audit file before you do the rename of the audit file.
After you restart TMSIINIT you can OBTAIN the audit file again with the DBS task.
It is recommended that you do this at a time when you have less tape processing happening. You do not have to totally stop tape processing.