The Spectrum EventDisp error log notes there is an error processing Event 0x1168f81 - cpqHe4FltTolPowerSupplyFailed trap.
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The Spectrum EventDisp error log notes there is an error processing Event 0x1168f81 - cpqHe4FltTolPowerSupplyFailed trap.


Article ID: 20580


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Error processing Event 0x1168f81 - cpqHe4FltTolPowerSupplyFailed trap.

If using the event_disp_error parameter in the $SPECROOT/SS/.vnmrc file, they user may see the following error when processing event 0x1168f81:

Event 0x1168f81 is missing discriminating attribute 0x6.




 According to the vendor, the trap may not include a variable binding value for cpqHeFltTolPowerSupplyModel ( which is saved to varbind 6 in the $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor/Ctron_Gen_HOST/AlertMap file for this trap.


The resolution is to modify the EventDisp information for the 0x1168f81 and 0x01168f7f events and remove the discriminator reference to varbind 6 by doing the following on the SpectroSERVER system(s):

  1. Open a Spectrum OneClick console as an ADMIN user
  2. Launch the Event Configuration
  3. Find and select the 0x1168f81 event
  4. Click on the Alarms tab in the Details panel
  5. Remove the value of "6" in the "Event Variable Discriminators" field so it only contains values "3,4"
  6. Click on the Save icon
  7. Click on the Yes button if prompted to verify your changes
  8. Find and select the 0x01168f7f event
  9. Click on the Alarms tab in the Details panel
  10. Select the 0x01168f81 "Cause Code" entry in the Cleared Alarm(s) section
  11. Click on the Edit icon
  12. Remove the "6" in the "Event Variable Discriminators" field so it only contains values "3,4"
  13. Click on the OK button
  14. Click on the Save icon
  15. Click on the Yes button if prompted to verify your changes
  16. The following entries should now appear in the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/EventDisp file:

    0x1168f81 E 50 A 1,0x01168f81,3,4
    0x1168f7f E 50 C 0x01168f81,3,4 C 0x01168f80,3,4,6
  17. Close the Event Configuration
  18. Update the Event Configuration of the SpectroSERVER systems by doing the following:
    1. Find and select the VNM icon
    2. Click on the Information tab in the Component Detail panel
    3. Find and expand the SpectroSERVER Control subview
    4. Click on the "Update Event Configuration" button

This issue will be addressed in a future release of Spectrum.