Report not available for active job . This shows in two ways:
Release : 12.3
There are two ways that a report is checked in Automic Automation:
1) If the task has finished, and the user opens the Report, all job details have been transferred from the agent to database and the user who has the "Open Report" permission for that job can read the Open and Read the Report because it is fully on the database. The Open Report option at this point does not require login object information because it is done through a SQL Select statement against the database.
2) If the task has NOT finished (is active), then a live preview of the report is done where the user attempting to open the report is going out the agent to get the information. This requires a login objects since this in and of itself is considered a task. Because of this, the user requesting to open the report is executing a task and needs to have Authorization to execute a task with the login object that has access to the job report.
The way to resolve this is to give users and/or usergroups "X" permissions on the login object that is used in the job.
When attempting to view the report of a running job from Client 0, a login object can be created with the same name as the login object in the working client as long as the permissions are correct.
This was mistakenly identified as a bug fixed in a previous version; but has since been reviewed and is considered as designed. Please see the info in the "Cause" section above.