SC13-10 abend running a JCLCheck job with concatenated input PDS data sets
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SC13-10 abend running a JCLCheck job with concatenated input PDS data sets


Article ID: 20579


Updated On: 06-09-2023


JCLCheck Workload Automation


When running a JCLCheck job having more than one input PDS (SYSIN DD is concatenated), and runtime option DIRUPD is also used, JCLCheck abends as follows: 

IEC153I C13-10,IFG0194A,jobname,stepname,SYSIN-0002,device#,serial#,dsname

What should you do in this case?



Release: 12.0 
Component:  JCLCheck Workload Automation


Runtime option DIRUPD (Directory Update) is used only by the JCLCheck APCDOC interface.

Error C13-10 occurs when a concatenated PDS is OPEN for Output or Extend.
Option DIRUPD causes  APCDOC to open the SYSIN PDS file for Output processing. The SYSIN DD is concatenated thus error C13-10 is issued.
JCLCheck supports SYSIN DD with concatenated PDS, but APCDOC does not.


Remove runtime option DIRUPD, or disable it by specifying option NODIRUPD.