Gen SQL Server CSE Database Creation and "Full Text Indexing"
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Gen SQL Server CSE Database Creation and "Full Text Indexing"


Article ID: 205776


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For a Gen CSE configuration for SQL Server per doc. page Prerequisites for CSE Configuration under "Create Microsoft SQL Server CSE Database" it states:
In the Database Properties window, complete the following fields:
Use Full Text Indexing -- Off

When creating the Database on the SQL Server instance provided, was not able to turn that option off as the Check Box was not enabled for checking/unchecking i.e. it was greyed out.
Would therefore like to understand the impact of leaving the Full Text Indexing checkbox as on. 


Gen Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE)



Since Full Text Indexing is resource intensive it is recommended to turn it off for better performance.

Microsoft Reference: SQL Server 2019 > Full-Text Search

If using the standard edition of SQL Server and the SQL Server Full Text Search (msftesql.exe) service is installed and running, there should be no reason for the "defining full text index" content menu item to be greyed out.

To check whether Full text indexing is installed or not, please follow the link stackoverflow - Why Full text Indexing is greyed out which has query:
select fulltextserviceproperty('isfulltextinstalled')  

By using the above 'select' and reviewing the Windows Services for Full Text Search, it can be determined if it is installed or not.

If Full Text Search is installed, then use the steps in the following link to disable it: How to: Disable or Re-enable a Table for Full-Text Indexing (SQL Server Management Studio)