The DC001000 deadlock message identifies the involved LTXNLOCK resource as a combination of page group, radix and db-key.
It may appear that the page group identified does not exist in the CV.
Release : Alll supported releases.
Component : CA IDMS
The page group is in hexadecimal.
Note that the entire LTXNLOCK resource as listed in the DC001000 message is in hexadecimal.
It is an eight byte internal field.
The notion of whether these fields are decimal or hexadecimal is obvious for the db-key and mostly irrelevent for the radix (because it is so small), but not so for the page group. This is not clearly stated in the documentation.
Be aware that it is in hexadecimal.
For example, with the following LTXNLOCK resource in the DC001000 message:
LTXNLOCK 00150006 7DF25341
The meaning is as follows:
The page group is x'0015', or decimal 21.
The radix is 0006.
The 7DF25341 is the dbkey, which with a radix of 6 equates to 33016141-001 (line index 1 on page 33016141).
Deadlocks in the IDMS TechDocs pages.