When going to the Simulations page after enabling it, we were seeing a message stating "There are no active simulations at this time."
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When going to the Simulations page after enabling it, we were seeing a message stating "There are no active simulations at this time."


Article ID: 205479


Updated On: 10-13-2023


Automic Automation Intelligence


When going to the Simulations page after enabling it, we were seeing a message stating

There are no active simulations at this time.

There are no compatible schedulers found in the system.

In order to use this feature you must have at least one instance of an AutoSys V2 scheduler.



Release : 6.0.2



Had to add at least one AutoSys V2 Scheduler, by going to Admin->Schedulers->Advanced tab and selecting "Next Generation" under the "Prediction Model" section.


Once you have at least one AutoSys v2 scheduler the simulation page will look like below:


Note there is no way to convert an existing AutoSys scheduler to a v2/Next Generation scheduler.


For existing environments, where you have one or more AutoSys v1 schedulers, we recommend adding your AutoSys scheduler again as a duplicate Next Generation scheduler in a lab or test system to monitor performance and results before rolling out into production.

We also recommend for Simulation purposes to only use the duplicate AutoSys V2 scheduler for your simulations.